What Causes Allergies in Dogs?
An allergic reaction occurs when an animal's immune system excessively reacts to individual allergens. The body will then produce antibodies as a type of defense after the trigger of an allergy comes into the body. These antibodies will next connect to immune cells in the skin and other tissues. Thus, while the allergens gradually seep into tissue surfaces, the antibodies cause immune cells to emit powerful substances (called histamines) into the surrounding tissue. This will then cause inflammation and dog itching.
There are certain things to consider when attempting to find the trigger of skin allergies in dogs. An allergy that affects a pet's skin is generally caused by one (or some) of these: airborne allergens, food, and fleas.
- Flea Dermatitis also known as Flea Allergy is generally brought on by saliva from a flea. That is the reason it is extremely vital to liberate your pet of fleas regularly.
- Seasonal dog allergies are brought on by the inhalation of airborne allergens in the natural environment, including mold spores, cigarette smoke, dust and pollen, instigate atopic allergies. If a pet has pollen allergies, the dog will manifest warning signs, even if kept indoors as the particles will come into the home. Sneezing, wheezing and coughing often are symptoms of this sort of allergy.
- Food allergy is the next most common variety of dog allergy. The most likely reasons for food allergies in dogs include: soy, chicken, milk, corn, eggs, wheat and beef. Diarrhea and Nausea frequently accompany this type of dog allergy.
- Contact allergy is the least frequently seen type of allergy in pets and is triggered by contacting with something. Triggers could include plastic, wool and grass. A few dogs could develop allergic reactions to certain chemicals in the house, but it isn’t very common.
How to Diagnose Skin Allergies in Dogs
A veterinarian might be able to identify the cause, though it may entail a procedure of elimination to find the root of the dog’s allergy and could possibly refer your dog to a veterinarian that’s a dermatology expert. If fleas are ruled out, the animal could be put on an elimination food regimen for a couple months. The dog is fed food it hasn’t had before, for instance, duck, lamb, and potatoes, with the old food being introduced progressively until the allergy reemerges.
The allergen is thought to be one or more ingredients if the dogs itching lessens by at least one half of what it was earlier. To test for atopic and contact skin allergies, dermatology specialists employ an intradermal allergy exam that works by gently anesthetizing the dog with minute quantities of prospective allergens that are injected into the shaved region of the skin. If your pet is allergic to a specific substance, the skin close to the area of the injection will become inflamed.
Treating Skin Allergies in Dogs
Keeping your pet away from allergens and curing the symptoms of allergies in dogs are the soundest approaches to treatment. Medications such as steroids and antihistamines could be advocated to relieve effects of scratching and swelling in pets, although like all drugs they may come with unwanted side effects and the long-term effects are not known.
Long term treatment using steroids is not recommended since these medicines operate by suppressing the immune system. Continued steroid use could eventually leave your pet defenseless against diabetes, infections and further conditions.
Homeopathic Remedies
Luckily for pet enthusiasts, there are a lot of non-toxic and all natural homeopathic and herbal remedies for dogs experiencing skin illnesses. Melaleuca alternifolia can be applied as a topical to stimulate skin health and keeping the animal’s skin sterile while Althaea officinalis root is a great and commonly accepted remedy for restoring the skin. Homeopathic treatments such as Apis and Ledum have great soothing qualities and are particularly effective in healing sore and itchy skin, or minute bites and wounds.
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